Presale Bot
Get all the information about your presale on telegram!
If you want your investors to be able track new contributions, see how much is raised or find all the information about your presale then @presaleworld_bot is here! Follow the 3 simple steps to get it up and running:
Step 1: Add @presaleworld_bot to your group or channel and give admin access.
Step 2: Type /register_presale followed by your presale address.
For example: /register_presale 0xfAf838ab908B1b7a640107516CdaF0B36166B61a
Step 3: That's it, you're done all set up! Contributions will be posted automatically to the chat and using commands /presale or /raised give you the latest information pertaining to your presale.
The button will display "View {Your Token Name}" and direct you straight to the presale on whatever platform you are listed on!
You have successfully added PresaleBot to your chat! In order to stop the bot, just remove it whenever you wish!
Last updated